The Central Bank of the Russian Federation set the official exchange rate of the US dollar on Sunday at 91.7791 rubles.

AK&M 02 May 2024 10:10

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation established the official exchange rate of the US dollar on Sunday, April 28, 2024, in the amount of 91.7791 rubles against 92.0134 rubles on April 27.

The US dollar exchange rate for the last 5 days:

04/27/24 - 92.0134 rubles . 

04/26/24 - 92.1314 rubles . 

04/25/24 - 92.5058 rubles . 

04/24/24 - 93.2918 rubles . 

04/23/24 - 93.2519 rubles .